Shane McColgan. In many ways, he’s a typical nine-year-old: he collects Pokemon cards, likes to play with friends, enjoys fishing with his dad, and he’d like to be a
firefighter when he grows up. What sets Shane apart from many in his age group is that he’s already established a not-for-profit organization.
Shane Gives Thanks, a recognized 501c3 organization now in its third year of operation, collects food and funds that are used to create and supply meal packages for struggling families at Thanksgiving. According to Shane, “I found out that some people didn’t have enough food for Thanksgiving dinner. I wanted to bring everyone to my grandma’s house so they could have Thanksgiving with us, but there weren’t enough chairs at my grandma’s table.” So his family talked through some ideas, and Shane Gives Thanks was launched. Growing annually, Shane’s efforts have provided 156 local families with Thanksgiving meals, and he aims to supply 99 more families with packages this year.
Shortly before Thanksgiving, non-perishable donations are collected from drop-off sites, frozen turkeys are purchased with donations made via the website, and boxes are packed. Shane enthusiastically notes, “my family packs up the boxes when we watch the Patriots game on TV! We load the boxes onto Papa’s trailer and deliver them.”
Nathan Hale Veterans Outreach Program in Plymouth, The Carver Food Pantry, and Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Carver will distribute the Thanksgiving boxes for Shane Gives Thanks this year.
As the self-proclaimed “King Turkey,” Shane is the face and the personality at the front of the organization. He’s aided by a growing flock of friends and family, affectionately called “gobblers,” who assist with both tasks and fundraising. All are welcome to join his flock.
Shane Gives Thanks
Carver, MA 02330
Elle Maynard is a big fan of the King Turkey and a new member of his growing flock of supporters.