Presented by South Shore Locavores, Kingston Public Library and edible South Shore & South Coast magazine, Thursday, October 20, 2016
Books in the Old Colony Library Network:
Cromell, Cathy. Composting for Dummies, 2010.
Cummings, Dede. Organic Composting Handbook: techniques for a healthy, abundant garden, 2014.
Flowerdew, Bob. Composting, 2012.
Louie, Rebecca. Compost city: practical composting know-how for small space living, 2015.
Pleasant, Barbara. The Complete Compost Gardening Guide, 2008.
Websites and web links:
How to compost: your compost resource
Composting at Home
Compost Guide: tips for home composting
Planet Natural: Composting Guru
U.S. Composting Council
Mass DEP Composting & Organics site
And this site was recently recommended by a girl scout troop researching composting:
There are many great videos about composting – here are two:
Composting For Kids video (search YouTube)
Rodale video of worms making compost
Gootman, Elissa. “The Reluctant Composter.” N.Y. Times, Jan. 2, 2013.
Oles, Ken. “How Does your Garden Grow: Tips for Managing a Household Compost Heap.” Wicked Local Medway, Oct. 13, 2016.
Stutts, Rachel. “Cooperative Neighborhood Composting.” Mother Earth News, Oct. 12, 2016.
From the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection. Home Composting Bin Design Sheets. N.d. Boston, MA. PDF:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Prevention, Division of Consumer and Transportation Composting Program. School Composting Resource Package. March, 2003. Boston, MA. PDF:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Composting Pamphlet. April, 2000. Boston, MA. PDF
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention. How to Control Fruit Flies and Fungus Gnats. 1997. Boston, MA. Pp. 5-6. PDF
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention. Healthy Lawns and Landscapes Workshop Handouts. October 13th, 2011. Boston, MA. PDF
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Composting Program. Indoor Composting with Earthworms (Vermicomposting). December, 2008. Boston, MA. Pp. 1-4. PDF.
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Management. Managing Seaweed Accumulations on Recreational Beaches. May, 2013. Boston, MA. PDF.
This program is a collaboration between the Kingston Public Library, the Kingston Council on Aging and the Kingston Public Library Foundation.