edible Notables
by Julia Powers
The past decade has been an exciting time for local food lovers, with an increasing array of foods coming to market. Yet, surprisingly, finding local chicken—that staple of the weeknight dinner table—remained next to impossible. In recent years, demand for humanely-raised chicken has increased as people have become more aware of the terrible conditions that exist on many conventional poultry farms. And as with other meats, people knew the taste of pasture-raised chicken would far outshine its grocery store counterparts, so the limited supply was quickly spoken for.
Thankfully, in January 2012 fourth generation farmers Elizabeth and Vince Frary helped fill this void in the market, starting Copicut Farms in North Dartmouth. At Copicut, chickens are raised on pasture and eat pesticide-free grass, legumes, and insects, just as nature intended. Copicut Farms also sells eggs, Cornish game hens, and, in the fall, turkeys. In a process that is state licensed and inspected, the poultry is even slaughtered on-site.
Copicut Farms products can be purchased at the farm in North Dartmouth or at ten farmers’ markets, including Hingham and Plymouth in the South Shore/South Coast area. Copicut also offers a farm share, where customers can pay a discounted price for chicken and eggs at the start of the season. Then, according to their needs and schedules, customers can pick up various cuts of chicken, as well as eggs, throughout the market season at any of the farmers’ markets that Copicut attends or on Saturdays at the North Dartmouth farm. Bulk orders are also available.
Copicut Farms
11 Copicut Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Julia Powers happily cooks whole foods in her Hingham kitchen. From roast chicken to homemade stock, the delicious, nutritious Copicut Farm chickens and eggs are a go-to staple in her house.