Were you the lucky recipient of the family recipe box? Do you feast annually on a dish that is interwoven with the memory of a departed loved one? Is there a special food your family cooks and eats together that sets you apart from the rest?
Or perhaps you realized too late that an important culinary formula had gone to the grave with the last generation. All too often readers tell us that they wish they had interviewed Grammy about her blueberry toast or clam chowder or potato pancakes or zeppole—foods we thought would always be there—until they weren’t!
Throughout 2015, edible SOUTH SHORE & SOUTH COAST will be collecting your recipes, stories, and traditions, to start our edible Recipe Box. Maybe we can even recover some of those faded foods before they pass out of sight altogether!
So search out the recipes that most typify your family traditions, and tell us about their flavors, occasion, or meaning. Talk to your oldest relatives, cook with them, and take notes! We hope that you will join us on this journey to revive, remember, and share.
Submit recipes, stories, and photos illustrating your tastiest, most poignant, funniest, or most ancient family food traditions below. Remember they don’t have to be perfect; if your recipe is chosen by our editorial team we’ll do our best to re-create your recipe for today’s kitchen. You can also send an email to Laurie@ediblesouthshore.com with your recipe or questions. Be a part of it!

Family recipe submitted by a reader (front).

Family Recipe submitted by a reader (back). The really fun element to this recipe is that creator of the recipe lived in the same house in the mid-1900’s as the publishers of edible South Shore & South Coast do now.