eSS&SC Celebrating Local Food Resources in Southeastern Massachusetts since 2008
It is hard to believe, but 10 years ago, our first issue of edible South Shore (& South Coast) hit the presses and, ultimately, our readers’ hands. When we first discovered edible, our lives’ direction changed in ways we couldn’t have imagined. From the people we’ve met to the cuisines we’ve tasted to the critters we’ve encountered and the experiences we’ve shared, this journey has been amazing. We’re honored that you, dear reader, have come along for the ride. After rereading the publisher’s letter we penned for our inaugural issue in Winter 2008, it seems fitting to share it again, as we feel as inspired today as we did 10 years ago.
Slightly edited and condensed from Fall 2008:
My edible journey began when my attention was drawn to a copy of edible Phoenix during a trip to Arizona in 2006. I had found a free magazine that featured local foods. What could be better? And as I read it from cover to cover, I realized that the photographs, the recipes, the information, and even the ads were all fascinating and intriguing. That single issue traveled with me for the entire visit (even though my time was to be spent in Tucson, not Phoenix.)
The following summer, Michael and I happened to discover a copy of edible Cape Cod. Recognizing a similar style, yet thousands of miles apart, with the same theme of promoting local seasonal foods, we had to find out more. We learned that we could, in fact, start our own edible magazine and bring to our hometowns the same education and resource information that edible Phoenix and edible Cape Cod and dozens more are so effectively accomplishing across the country.
From Hull to Horseneck Beach, Attleboro to Plymouth, we’ll introduce you to the abundance of our local growers, fishers, food artisans, stores, chefs, and restaurants devoted to supporting our region’s local food resources and food culture. We’ll take a deep dive into the areas that challenge our local food supply, our health, and the health of our environment.
This is an amazing journey for us, and we’re thrilled to have you on board!
Welcome to edible South Shore! Laurie Hepworth & Michael Hart
Note: to better reflect our entire community, in Fall 2013 we changed the magazine’s name from edible South Shore to edible South Shore & South Coast. There are now over 100 edibles across North America. We were number 44.
We hope you agree that we have been true to our goals set down in print 10 years ago. What’s in store for the next 10? Two obvious objectives that at first may seem at disparate: an emphasis on cooking at home and a focus on dining out; develop a palate for real food by making seasonal meals at home and take that awareness with you while enjoying a local restaurant. You’ll begin to fully appreciate the chefs cooking from scratch and know that they are using the local, seasonal, and quality ingredients you covet. Both goals will educate, entertain, and help grow and maintain a sustainable food community in our beautiful slice of the world.
Over the last 10 years, publishing edible South Shore & South Coast has been the most rewarding work we have ever done, and we are beyond grateful to everyone–from our readers to our contributors and editors–who has played a role.
Once again, thank you! We hope the next 10 years will be just as rewarding for you as a reader and valuable component of edible South Shore & South Coast’s success!!
Laurie Hepworth Michael Hart