Kingston Public Library and edible South Shore magazine
South Shore Locavores
Local Seafood and Community Supported Fisheries
June 2012
Books available in the Old Colony Library Network:
Fish: recipes from the sea by C.J Jackson. 2012.
The River Cottage fish book: the definitive guide to sourcing and cooking sustainable fish and shellfish.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, 2012.
Knack Fish and seafood cookbook: delicious recipes for all seasons. Doug DuCap, 2010.
Fishmonger’s apprentice: the expert’s guide to selecting, preparing, and cooking a world of seafood
taught by the masters. Aliza Green, 2010.
Four fish: the future of the last wild food. Paul Greenberg, 2010.
For Cod and Country: more than 250 simple, delicious, sustainable fish recipes. Barton Seaver, 2011.
Fish Without a Doubt: the cook’s essential companion . Rick Moonen, 2008.
Fish forever: the definitive guide to understanding, selecting, and preparing healthy, delicious and
environmentally sustainable seafood. Paul Johnson, 2007.
Websites: South Shore Seafood Exchange, Scituate, MA Community Supported Fishery in Gloucester Cape Cod Fish Share Cape Cod CSF
Island Creek Oysters Island Creek Oysters in Duxbury, also a distributor of Kingston’s own Rocky Nook Oysters Portland, Maine: direct sales of fresh fish Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries: recreational saltwater fishing regulations/permits, fishery resources, fish in season. 2012 Recreational Fishing Guide available online U.S. seafood facts; helps consumers make smart sustainable seafood choices Mass. Aquaculture Assn.: aims to promote the continued development of fish farming and improve conditions affecting aquaculture in MA Non-profit that conducts media and public outreach for the fishing industry Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
The Future of America’s First Fishery: improving management of the New England Groundfishery. Michael Conathan, Center for American Progress, May 1, 2012.
The End of the Line. Brian Walsh. Time Magazine (cover and featured article), July 7, 2011.
Can farming fish take the place of catching them?
On Eating Sustainable Fish. Mark Bittman. New York Times, April 7, 2010.
The Future of Fish and Fishing in America’s Oceans. PEW Environment Group, 2009.